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  • Protection time: Up to 24 months
  • Volume: 140L
  • Appearance: White non-woven fabric disk
  • Size:
  • Diameter: 5.56cm
  • Thickness: 0.40cm

OneSource Stock nr VCI Daubrite 5 Disk: 10002


Disk 5 VCI Emitters from Daubert Cromwell are lightweight and provide effective corrosion protection for exposed metals inside enclosures. The VCI is infused into the non-woven fabric of the disk and volatilizes to form an invisible layer on the surface of the metal to protect against corrosion. VCI emitters are effective on multi-metal parts including steel, copper and zinc and are non-toxic with no special handling required. They will protect the metals even if there is moisture in the air, or other contaminants like salt, dirt etc.

  • Safe and easy to use.
  • Adhesive tape on the back of each disk – sticks to cabinets, containers, metal lids, covers, and boxes.
  • Place the VCI emitters as close to and above the metals that need corrosion protection.
  • Maximum protection when used in dry, non-aerated environments.  Use in mechanical control boxes, control panels, utility boxes, gun cabinets, and toolboxes.




Daubrite® VCI Emitters Disk 5